gubster's Diaryland Diary



Disclaimer � this blog shall be entirely about me me me me me me me me if you are in a happy joyful cheery mood I would advise you not to read any further. If you are deluded into thinking England is a nice place sign out now, if you have any intention of visiting �Great� Britain, then please delete this mail and read no further......what I am about to describe is a true story of the events that unfolded between 09.30 -12.00 this morning on the 11th of November. - A simple bus journey Eva Style. ...and by the way I HATE THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!

So I awoke (which meant I survived the night) with the lights on.....another sleepless night ( I hate this country) I decided to run off to town to avoid any confrontations, Of course the trains where not running ( I hate this country) and so I got on the bus . the driver lied and told me it was going into town ( I hate this country) a scary woman with a pit bull sat down beside me I was afraid to move, and so for about an hour I endured a pit-bull eyeing me up and drooling all over me ( I hate this country) I am not sure if the dog smelt bad or the crazy woman but now I smell of wet dog ( I hate this country) when she finally left the bus it was raining and I hadn't a clue where I was so I said sure I�ll just stay on the bus and see where it takes me....visions of Denver did cross my mind but sure hey what harm right?? By now it was at least 1:00, and in the next 30 minutes I put up with a gang of durka durkas playing some very loud whinny tradition music on their radio.....I decided I would chalk this up to a 'cultural experience', even if my head was splitting......I got over a violent outbreak where the bus driver was being verbally abused by a very angry guy for not driving fast enough past a 11th November remembrance day service....But when some young black dude started playing SNOOP NOGGY NOG!!! That�s when I knew I HAD to GET OFF THE BUS!! (I hate this country, maybe as much as Snoop Noggy NOG!) about an hour and a half after I got on it was I finally admitted time to find another one........eventually I got into town where it was mobbed, by pod people all buying buying buying robots.( I hate this country)

I would never live here, (okay well I am living here but.....) It�s grey and dull and I have a slight feeling of oppression every time I try to do something. I�m surprised I don�t have to go around with my ID stapled to my forehead. There are more rules and regulations than the USA, the other day I got searched at the main train station....I was disgusted! ( I hate this country). These people live here with absolutely no personal freedoms.....they even look unhealthy! So I hid out from the POD people in starbuck and spent the remaining cash I had on a tall hazelnut latte. it cost �3 ( I hate this country)...........but I survived , of course now I have to find my way home, I don�t fancy another grey hound experience and hey did I mention I HATE THIS COUNTRY!!!!

3:40 p.m. - 2007-11-12


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